TMS therapy Treatment For Depression

Do You Know the Difference Between Anxiety and Depression

Two most commonly discussed mental health problems that people know at least by terms is anxiety and depression. Despite the fact that they are used as almost synonyms in regular conversations, these two are different mental disorders. But the confusion is right for layman because many people with anxiety also develop depression and vice versa. Roughly, about half the number of people with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety disorder. This is why it is essential to get accurate diagnosis in order to treat them correctly. So, before the condition gets any worse, look out for the TMS therapy Near Me to understand and get proper diagnosis of the condition.

TMS therapy

Many people with depression suffer from what is called “anxious distress”. Such people often feel tense, restless, and have concentrating issues because they worry a lot. They are often afraid of the thought that something bad might happen as there’s little confidence on them. When the conditions worsen, individuals can even become suicidal. Understandably, it is necessary to speak to a mental health professional who can evaluate the various disorders.

For people suffering from major depression, the symptoms include but not limited to lack of interest, change in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, diminished energy and feeling of guilt or worthlessness. The symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder are mostly like excessive worry, restlessness, frequent fatigue, difficulty in concentration, disturbing sleep, muscle tension and more. It is essential for anyone who would face these symptoms for more than six months to get a proper diagnosis. This is because it is not always generalized anxiety disorder but can also be separation anxiety, panic disorder, or phobias of some sort.

If you compare, the symptoms are pretty similar and sometimes overlap. Sleep problems, difficulty in concentrating, and fatigue are the symptoms that can be seen in a person with either anxiety or depression. Irritability is also a very important and common manifestation.

That being said, there are many distinguishing features. For instance, people with depression generally move slowly, and their reactions can also be seen flattened or dulled. However, those who have anxiety may tend to be more keyed up and will have more racing thoughts. Presence of fear specially about the future is common with anxiety; however, depressed people have lesser chance to be fraught with worry about upcoming times.

Mental health test

There is still a certain sense of inhibition when it comes to checking the mental health. The feeling of anxiety seems normal before there is any big event in our lives but it is essential to get to a doctor to get full check up of the physical and psychological symptoms that explain the condition better.

If you have anxiety, depression, OCD or other medical conditions, your doctor will recommend medication, or therapy, and sometimes a combination of both or a combination of the two. However, there has been a lot of development in the treatment procedures and Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (Deep TMS) is one of the popular invasive treatments.

Learn more about them at

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Treatment For Depression

What Depression Looks Like and Why You Need TMS

TMS, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a non-invasive form of neuromodulation that is used in the treatment of different psychiatric disorders such as including depression, anxiety and OCD. The process is rapidly growing as the procedure is not associated with the common side effects of weight gain, sleepiness, sexual problems, or memory loss like the other psychotic medications. Being invasive, TMS therapy does not involve surgery or sedation of any kind as well.

So, if you know any of your close person suffering from psychotic complications, look up for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Near Me and get a proper advice from the experts.

Treatment For Depression

How does TMS work?

TMS stimulates specific areas of the brain that help repairing and protecting a number of psychiatric symptoms. Although they are mostly related to severe depression, it is used for other mental conditions as well. The patient is put on a insulated helmet and TMS sends a series of electric currents that induce a local magnetic field. These currents are sent in rapid succession, which pass transcrainially to induce a secondary electric current in a predetermined part of the brain.

Through ongoing research and development, it has been seen that TMS represents the next-generation of treatment options for major Depression and OCD.

Let us discuss what exactly is depression and its symptoms so that you know when to ask for help.

What is depression?

Feeling low is a normal part of life, however, when you cannot get over feeling of hopelessness and despair, you might have depression. Unlike the popular belief, depression is not just sadness but affects the way how you think, feel, and function in regular activities. Even the simplest of the things can seem overwhelming which is why you can hear many defining the state as “living in a black hole”. The conditions worsen when untreated.

Signs and symptoms of depression

Although the scope and manifestation varies from person to person, there are some common signs and symptoms. It’s important for not just you but your family members to understand the life’s normal lows.

  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Loss of interest in the regular activities
  • Appetite or weight loss or gain
  • Change in sleep pattern such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Anger or irritability
  • Loss of energy
  • Constant self-loathing, sense of worthlessness or guilt
  • Huge change in behavior, getting involved in substance abuse, compulsive gambling, or other reckless activities
  • Trouble in concentration
  • Unexplained aches and pains

Depression and other psychotic complications

Depression and anxiety are often seen and studied to stem from the same biological vulnerability. If you have any of these two, it will make the other condition worse. You need to seek medical attention for both conditions.

Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic depression, looks similar to depression. There are extensive research and development going on about Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation that might prove helpful in understanding how to treat these shift in moods, and behavior. Because it looks so similar to depression, most of the time it remains misdiagnosed.

There is a major risk factor for suicide in depression. It can feel like the only way to escape the pain and can have the worst consequence if people around fails to see issue.

If you thing you need to talk to someone, if you feel exhausted from being the stronger you, you have come to the right place. You have all the reasons and rhymes to be at a better position in life. Check the website and get an appointment to meet the expert.

BrainsWay dTMS

BrainsWay dTMS Free of Side Effects

Antidepressants may or may not succeed in improving depression, but they will have some side effects for sure. On the other hand, BrainsWay’s dTMS is not only effective, but also free of side effects.

The common approach for treating depression is antidepressant medication along with psychotherapy. The doctor will prescribe medicines that will work to balance certain chemicals in the brain. They treat the symptoms of depression by improving the mood, alleviating anxiety, increasing concentration, etc.

TMS Center Centennial

However, these antidepressants are a mixed blessing. First of all, they can only relieve the symptoms and fail to treat the underlying cause of the depression. The general effect is an overall altering of the emotions so that the situation does not seem as overwhelming.

Moreover, most antidepressants come with their own baggage of side effects. While they may differ from one type of medicine to another, patients commonly report an increase in weight and reduced sexual desire. Apart from this drowsiness/insomnia, headaches, nausea, digestive problems, dry mouth, fatigue, dizziness, irritability and jitteriness are commonly associated with antidepressants. The effects also tend to vary from person to person depending on the type of mental issues, genetic makeup, etc.

At times, doctors do change the medication to combat the severity of side effects. However, the switch has to be done carefully as per medical guidance only. Still some of the undesirable effects may still linger.

In contrast, there are alternative treatments like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) that is considered a last resort when regular medications and therapies fail to treat major depressive disorder and other associated mental illness.

BrainsWay’s dTMS is an advanced therapy that does not involve any drugs at all. A helmet shaped device is placed over the patient’s head and the coil inside transmits electromagnetic pulses that stimulate specific nerve cells in the brain that control the mood.

As BrainsWay at any TMS therapy near me is entirely non-medicative, it is free of the systemic side effects that are commonly associated with regular treatments.

TMS Center Centennial is one of the established depression treatment centers that offers TMS therapy near Centennial with excellent results!

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

OCD – What It Is and How It Can Be Treated?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a behavioral health condition that manifests as anxious thoughts, sensations and behaviors. Apart from traditional medical treatments, brain stimulation proves effective.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is usually overlooked or considered a source of great hilarity. A person who seems to do the same things again and again or even has the same thoughts repeatedly becomes a laughing stock for everyone around.

However, these irrational obsessions or compulsions are actually beyond the person’s control to the extent that they can affect normal life as well. The compulsive behavior could be anything like someone washing their hands over and over, checking locks or switches all the time, counting everything they see, wanting things to be arranged in a certain format, fear of touching things because they may be contaminated, wanting to clean everything and so on. Similarly, obsessive thoughts range from constant worrying about oneself or others, suspicions about others’ behavior or intentions and baseless fears to constant awareness of body sensations and the like.

This is medically classified as a genuine neurological condition. People suffering from OCD may be aware that the thoughts or actions are excessive or unreasonable, but still feel compelled to think or behave in the same pattern. It becomes impulsive and they are beyond logic or reasoning. It is almost as if the mental condition is driving their life and they are forced to act or think in that manner.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

What to do?

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder that requires medical assistance. If left untreated, it will interfere with the person’s work and life and can even drive him or her to suicide.

A psychiatrist will try to diagnose the condition through physical examination and blood tests. A psychological evaluation plays a crucial role as discussing the thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns will enable the medical professional to evaluate the type and extent of the OCD.

While there is no prescribed cure for OCD, counseling and medications are the most common approach. Cognitive behavioral therapy can help bring a gradual change in the thought process while antidepressants can help control the obsessions or compulsions. Additionally, there are intensive outpatient and residential treatment programs at mental health treatment centers for chronic cases.

Apart from the above, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is gaining traction as an effective treatment for OCD when traditional treatments fail to deliver satisfactory results. In fact, direct TMS is an FDA-approved, non-invasive and safe procedure that is widely used to treat depression, PTSD and anxiety disorders. Brainsway’s dTMS has recently been approved for treatment of OCD as well.

Medical health centers that provide Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation near Centennial use an electromagnetic field to soothe the hyper-connected pathways in the brain that are responsible for the anxious thoughts and behaviors.

A helmet shaped device containing magnetic coils is placed over the patient’s head which delivers magnetic pulses deep into the brain. Improvement is gradual and the symptoms either go away or become manageable in about 30 sessions or less.